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The ITEC and International Student Day Celebrations at the Athenee Hotel, Bangkok

The Embassy of India, Bangkok organized the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Day and International Students Day celebrations at the Athenee Hotel on 20 September, 2019. SVCC, Bangkok arranged a 11-Member Khon Ramayana dance group from Rajamangala University of Technology, Thanyaburi and Bharatanatyam dance performance by former ICCR scholar, Mr Ekkalak Nu-ngoen. The programme started with the lighting of the lamp by Ambassador Mrs Suchitra Durai and Chief Guest
H.E. Mr Suchart Tancharoen, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Thailand. The Guest of Honour was H.E. Ms Pikulkaew Krairiksh, Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Mrs Suchitra Durai delivered her opening remarks and welcomed the gathering, where around 130 ITEC Alumni from Thailand participated.

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