Announcements 9th Urban Mobility India to be held in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat from 8 - 11 November, 2016

9th Urban Mobility India to be held in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat from 8 - 11 November, 2016


9th Urban Mobility India

The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India would be organizing the 9th Urban Mobility India with themeof “Planning Mobility for City’s Sustainability”, between 8th to 11th November, 2016 at the MahatamaMandir,Gandhinagar in Gujarat, India.

The Urban Mobility India (UMI) is an annual conference cum exhibitioninstitutionalisedby Ministry of Urban Development in order to create awareness about the importance of Urban Mobility and to disseminate up-to-date information.

In the year 2015, the exhibition was attended by around 1,200 delegates and 24 exhibitors from 25 countries. Further details could be obtained from

Ms. Reena Arora Srivastav, Manger (UMI)
Institute of Urban Transport (India)
Tele: (91) 11 66578700-709 (10 lines), Ext. 715
Telefax: (91) 11 66578733-744