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DPR Paulomi Tripathi, delivered a statement highlighting India’s experiences in using digital innovation to drive transformative development at the 80th Session of UNESCAP.

Ambassador Nagesh Singh received Ms. Chatchadaporn Boonpreeranat DDG and her team from Thailand's Dept of Disaster Prevention & Mitigation.

Ambassador Nagesh Singh met with the newly elected committee of the India-Thai Business Association.

Ambassador Nagesh Singh attended 2nd year of “United We Play”, a CSR initiative by Apollo Tyres in partnership with Manchester United

Ambassador Nagesh Singh participated at the Convocation Ceremony in the Dhammaduta College in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyala University.

A 72 member delegation from India & Mission officials participate at the 19th United Nations Day of Vesak celebration at Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya in Ayutthaya in Thailand

Ambassador Nagesh Singh & a 72-member delegation from India participated in 19th United Nations Day of Vesak celebration UNESCAP

The Embassy of India organized a yoga session at Wells International School in Bangkok as part of the 10th International Day of Yoga celebrations.

Ven Phramaha Surasak, Vice Rector of Foreign Affairs, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University delivered talk on ‘Role of King Ashoka in Spreading Buddhism in Thailand’ at SVCC on auspicious occasion of Vesak Day

DCM Paulomi Tripathi, inaugurated India Pavillion organised by #EEPC at Agri Technica Asia in Bangkok.